Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Salvation is Found in No One Else...There is No Other Name

It's popular today to say that all different roads lead to God. Awhile back, Oprah Winfrey said to one of her audience guests, “There are many paths to what you call God....there couldn't possibly be only one way.” And yet the Bible says the exact opposite.

“Salvation is found in no one else. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we are saved.” (Acts 4:12).

The “name” that this passage is speaking of is Jesus. In-fact, Jesus, himself, said “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). He is the only path to God. But why is Jesus the only way? What is so special about him? Why can't I get to God and to heaven my own way? Two brief answers:

1- We have all sinned and disobeyed God's commandments. (Romans 3:23) And the wages (payment) for our sin is death - eternal death (Romans 6:23).

2- Only Jesus provides a way for us to be forgiven and made right (righteous) before God. “God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in him, we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21). He is the only one. God did this out of love for the world (John 3:16).

We all have a birthday. Yet every single one of us is heading toward our deathday- when we will stand before God to give an account for our lives. There are only two destinations according to the Bible:

1- Heaven (those who have placed their faith in Jesus alone and follow him)

2 - Hell (those who choose another path).

If you haven't yet, repent and follow Jesus. Time is running out and there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we are saved.

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